Thursday, February 3, 2011

Speechless(ishness) behind the scenes

Do you ever feel completely humbled by the amazing blog-o-sphere? I'm so excited that so many completely fabulous, creative, articulate and tech-savvy homemakers have joined forces to create a sort of online universe of togetherness! It is a big treat for me to occasionally read/ soak up the blog posts of others and discover new-to-me blogs, and to know that we homemakers are like a Behind the Scenes Feminine Army of Wholesome Influence....well, ok, that title needs work.

Anyway, until I became a blogger myself, I didn't know how little I have to say. I have no idea how so many ladies running homemaking blogs are like unending wells of wisdom, how they have time to think up their posts, include adorable photos and manage to be super up to date in their site graphics and get plenty of rest each night. I'm impressed and humbled.

A timer is about to go off in the kitchen, and I'm exhausted. So, I'm calling it a night, and hope that you are all well and flourishing in each of your homes!