Friday, September 17, 2010

A Milestone, The Stork, and other thoughts

Hi! A whole bunch of new things seem to be going on in our household.

Little Elena is suddenly interested in walking, which is wonderful. Still holding on tight to our hands she toddles along proudly...and then will suddenly get distracted or lose interest and scramble to all fours to speed along in her old crawl. All in good time! At nearly 17 months of age she is a slooow starter, but we knew eventually she'd feel like walking. It warms my heart to hear those tiny pitter pats coming down the hallway! And someday soon I'll hear those pitter pats independent of my husband's encouraging words to her (as right now she doesn't walk on her own yet).

As I like to phrase it, the stork is going to pay us a visit next March! I am expecting our next baby to arrive around March 13, yippee! We are so incredibly blessed and thankful to our Creator for this new addition to our family. This is such a wonderful gift and we do not take this blessing for granted.

Honestly this feels like such an embarrassment of riches to me; I am well acquainted with women of many ages who do not yet have the families they long for, or who were unable to have the families for whom they had hoped. So I carry this child and the other child on my hip with a great sense of joy, gratefulness and responsibility.

By the way, I so admire the mothers who find time to keep up with their blogs despite beautifully mothering 1, 2, 3 or 4 or 5 or more children! I am also baffled and intimidated by this, but oh so impressed. How do they do it?

Courtney at Women Living Well has 2 children.

Monica at The Homespun Heart has 3 children.

Kristy at The Homemaker's Cottage has 4 children.

Joy at Graceful Words has 5 children.

Ann at Holy Experience has 6 children.

The above blogs are some of my favorites - I think they are all very different from each other but the spirit in which they are written is similar. The authors are Christian women who are committed to honoring God through their lives and most especially in their homes. Homes are important, as you know, and as the homes go, so the nation goes. Wifehood and homemaking are continually underestimated by most people....but not on those blogs or this one!

A little voice is crying out and reminding me that nap time is over! I must trot and wave farewell for today. Until next time, friends!


  1. Congratulations Heather on the new baby. Many blesings to you and your family.

  2. Congratulations!!! What a blessing. If you have a spare moment, will you please pray that the Lord blesses us again in this manner? Thank you so much <3
